About Me – Linda Wright

Teaching Years

Linda Wright
6 min readDec 6, 2021


Picture was taken by my beloved granddaughter

This exercise of thinking about the different years of my life has been all-consuming. It is all I think about. I could have written even more in the Early Years post and my College Years post but I did not want to make them too long. I like posts to read in 6 min. or less!

This exercise reminds me of the old TV show, This Is Your Life!

Part Three

Teaching Years

When I was in college there was a shortage of teachers. During the first semester of my Senior year in college, I was offered a teaching position in the district where my then-boyfriend taught.

I went to the interview but turned down the position. I wanted to graduate from college first.

After college graduation, I did get a job in that district but not with that principal or school.

On my first day in my career, I was decorating in the hall and met the teacher who would teach beside me.

I was a third-grade teacher, she was a fourth-grade teacher. We bonded pretty quickly. She was a new teacher also fresh out of college. We were both Lindas and both were to be…



Linda Wright

I am a published author with four books published and more to come. I love the Lord!