Member-only story
Father Abraham, In My Family Tree
Earthly Father
Look now toward the Heavens and count the stars-if you are able to number them. Then He said to him, So shall your descendants be. Genesis 15:5
Abraham was chosen by God to be the earthly father for many nations.
He told him his descendants would be more numerous than the stars in the sky.
God chose Abraham to be the father of the Jews. There were no Jews before Abraham. The Jews would be His chosen children and He would be their God.
Jesus was a Jew from the line of David continued from the line of Abraham.
Like Noah and Moses, Abraham loved God and was favored in the heart of God. Like David he loved God and God saw his heart . The Devil hates God’s chosen people and His Son who is the Savoir of the world. The
Devil hates the Jews.
Abraham proved his love for God over and over again. He would not even withhold the son that he loved from the God he worshiped.
God did not require Abraham’s son as a sacrifice only Abraham’s obedience. Abraham obeyed God and was prepared to offer his son, Isaac, as a burnt offering.
But God’s Son, the son He loved, would be the sacrifice for the world’s sin. Abraham hand was stopped from killing his son. God did not stop the slaying…