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Quotable Joyce Meyer
Photo of Joyce from FOLLOWMEUSA website
FOLLOWMEUSA.NET is a website you will enjoy exploring. Besides daily devotionals, sermons, books, and Bibles they have a link to quotes of famous Christians.
Clicking on that link I discovered Joyce Meyer was listed there with 25 of her quotes taken from her books and Bible Studies.
I have had the privilege of watching Joyce Meyer on tv, reading many of her 130 published books, and being a volunteer at several of her conferences in Hershey, PA. Her Bible teaching is so full of humor and godly wisdom and advice.
They on the website selected 24 of her famous quotes to list on their site.. If you want to read all 24 go to FOLLOWMEUSA.NET to enjoy them and see who else they spotlight in their quote section.
“Joyce Meyer is a very dynamic Pastor, Teacher, Author, and Lecturer and Christian preacher with remarkable recognition. His books quickly become the best seller of the New York Times,” (Copied from their website.)
I also copied a few quotes of Joyce Meyer that I also say or that resonate with me.
Famous quotes from Joyce Meyer. Quotes :
4. Grace is the power of God coming to you at no cost, to do through you what you cannot do by yourself.