Member-only story
The God Who Seeks
God seeks for those who will believe
Poster from the TV Show The Chosen
But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers. will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. John 4:23
God seeks
God seeks worshippers. God seeks those who believe, who confess with their lips, and believe in their hearts that His Son is Lord and Savior.
God set His whole plan in motion to seek those who would spend eternity with Him and His love.
Sin separated mankind from God but God in His goodness devised a plan to reunite mankind with Him, mankind’s Creator.
God’s plan for rescuing the world was to enter into it. One man brought sin into the world and one man defeated sin in the world.
Jesus came to seek those who would receive the “good news” and believe; those who would worship his Father in spirit and truth, those who would believe He was Savior and Lord.