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The Name Above All Names
I Wonder
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“Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name,” Philippians 2: 9
God is teaching me about something I have wondered about for a long time. How can a person have a joyful heart, worship the Lord, praise the Lord and at the same time be facing a difficult trial and be struggling to trust the Lord? Can he be truly joyful and be facing a significant trial in his life at the same time?
God has been telling me that more than one scenario can be going on in our lives at the same time. I recently read about a teacher who could completely focus on giving her students her best at the same time she was trusting in the Lord waiting for the biopsy results on her son’s brain tumor. She could joyfully give her talents to her job while this health trial faced her. I believe God gave her the faith to be able to do that. Her significant trial did not totally consume her time and thoughts.
While Paul, the apostle, was in prison shackled to his jailer he slept like a baby. Paul was not awake worrying about his fate. He knew His Father was in charge and Paul could sleep while he was in a difficult situation. His faith was mighty in the Lord. He was peaceful while he was in prison.