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May You Clap Your Hands!
I Clapped My Hands!
“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit- fruit that will last.”John 15:16
I do not remember watching a TV program and clapping my hands during and after every episode.
I have written three other posts about this particular TV series. One is entitled The Chosen, one is “I was One Way…”, and the other is Jesus Seeks.
I am enthralled with this series I found that only plays on the Internet.
I am not sure how God directed me to this series but I am sure He did.
Angel studios produce and offer this series, called The Chosen, free to viewers. For a free TV series, they were amazed that season 2 was paid for before season 1 was finished running. They are now working on having season 3 paid for as they have finished season 2.
They hope to have eight seasons eventually.
I have binge-watched season 1. I did not want it to end for I enjoyed the series and season 1. Season 2 lived up to the quality of season one.
On its website, a trailer plays and this statement appears: “ABOUT THE CHOSEN
The Chosen is the first-ever multi-season TV show about the life of Jesus…